Friday, November 1, 2013

Amy Roe

Amy Roe, 33
Five words used to describe yourself:

Strong-willed, hard-working, intelligent, organized,  fun

What motivates you to run/exercise?    

My own body image is a huge motivator.  But also wanting to be healthy enough to keep up with my kids.

Now that you have children, how do you make time for exercise?     
It’s tough trying to work around everyone’s schedule.  I have a supportive spouse that is willing to watch the kids so I can get some time.  I also have a BOB double jogger stroller so I have the ability to take them with me.  Although, it’s really heavy with both kids in it and not my number one choice. 

How would you describe your nutrition?  Omnivore, veggie, vegan, raw, locavore…

Omnivore (sorry, Jason)

Editor's note: to each their own. 

How do you feel your nutrition affects your performance during events and in daily life?

When I eat better, I feel better overall.  Especially since having my second baby, I am trying to be extra conscious of what I eat to help me get back into shape.

How important is it to you that your children eat healthful foods?

It’s important to me that my children eat healthful food and since I’m still the once in control of what they eat, I try to keep meals balanced.  I include a vegetable with lunches and dinners for my toddler and fruits for breakfast and snacks.  I’m lucky that my toddler  loves vegetables and her snack of choice is usually an apple or a carrot.  However, she’s a kid, so I also don’t deprive her of the occasional treat.

You’ve just had your second child?  How soon before you get back on the course?

I’ve had a few setbacks, but I’m hoping to get back on the course before the end of the month

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