Thursday, February 27, 2014

Featured Athlete Nikki O'Donnell

Nikki O'Donnell
Age: 41    Architecture and Engineering Professional Services

Use five words to describe yourself: 

Strong, motivated, fun, compassionate, and consistent

What motivates you to exercise?
My job is stressful at times so I exercise to burn off some steam. I also enjoy challenging myself to become leaner and stronger. Finally, I want to set a good lifestyle example for my son and maintain the ability to keep up with that little ball of energy.

You have a child and no doubt a busy schedule, how do you make time for exercise?
With the support of my husband, I started exercising regularly once my son turned one. I would go to class twice per week after putting him to bed. My husband enjoys fitness as well, so we tag-team in order to get all of our workouts in while still being present for our (now) six year old boy.

How would you describe your nutrition? Omnivore, veggie, vegan, raw, locavore…
Omnivore and locavore, when I can. I try to stay out of the middle aisles of the grocery store and focus on fresh produce, fish and lean meats. I limit grains and sugar in my diet because I’ve found that they cause me to gain weight quickly and deflate my energy.

How do you feel your nutrition affects your daily energy?
It absolutely affects my daily energy. The results of eating poorly carry over into the next day. I feel heavy and sluggish and crave even more bad foods. If I eat clean and drink a lot of water, I feel energized, empowered and motivated. My mood is also more positive!

How important is it to you that your children eat healthful foods?
It is extremely important that my son eats healthful foods and we ask him to try a lot of new things often. But it is easier said than done. He is very picky! We cook a lot at home and try to make colorful meals and also do not drink soda, frequent fast food restaurants or eat a lot of sweets to set a good example. My son actually dislikes French fries!

Give us one tip for busy parents and how to take time for exercise.
Make exercise part of your daily routine. Even if you are doing lunges in the kitchen between flipping pancakes in the morning, you are making yourself stronger using only your body weight. Personally, I am more motivated in a class environment but I start every day with push-ups before hitting the shower. After beginning an exercise routine, your body will be sore at first - even for a few days and you will feel like quitting - but once you commit to exercise as an important part of your life, there’s no looking back!

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